Notion Template Children's Responsibilities and Rewards
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Apr 25, 2023 02:04 PM
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Children's Responsibilities and Rewards

👪 Keep track of your children's daily tasks and reward them with a customizable point-based system.

🎁 Fully Customizable Rewards System

🏆 Name the points and set the required number of points for each reward.

📝 Easy Task Assignment

✅ Assign tasks to your children and log completed tasks with a simple and intuitive design.

📊 Monthly Summary

📅 Automatically calculate the total points earned by each child and display them in an easy-to-read format.

💪 Promote Positive Behavior

👶 Encourage responsibility and independence, and foster a sense of accomplishment and pride in your children.

🛒 Buy Now

Buy Now and start implementing a positive reinforcement system in your home today.
The Creatives

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The Creatives