Notion Subscription Tracker
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Jan 12, 2023 04:09 PM
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Notion Subscription Tracker

📢 Never lose track of your subscriptions again!

Organize all your monthly payments in one place with this handy subscription tracker.

💳 See all your subscriptions at a glance

Easily keep track of your streaming services, software tools, and membership fees.

💰 Take control of your budget

Know exactly how much you're spending each month and make adjustments as needed.

🤑 Save money by optimizing your subscriptions

Spot price increases or unused services instantly and potentially save hundreds each year.

📈 Customize to fit your needs

Track whatever subscriptions matter most to you by adding or removing categories and logos.
Don't wait to streamline your subscriptions. Buy now and take control of your finances.
Product description: This subscription tracker allows you to track all your monthly subscriptions.

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Notion wizard.