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You've Bought a Template, Now What?
You've made a smart investment by purchasing a Notion template. Now, it's time to ensure it works seamlessly for your specific needs and goals. Hire us to help you customize your template and implement it into your workflow.
Contact us today for a personalized project fit assessment. We only take on clients with a high budget ($2,500 minimum) and clear goals to ensure we deliver maximum value.
Get Started Now!
Schedule a no-obligation mutual-fit meeting to discuss your needs and how we can help.

What We Offer:

Template Customization
  • Personalized Layout Design: Modify the structure and appearance to align perfectly with your workflow.
  • Feature Integration: Add or adjust features to ensure the template meets all your requirements.
  • Enhanced Usability: Optimize for ease of use, making it intuitive and user-friendly.
Knowledge Management Strategy
  • Data Organization: Structure your information for easy access and management.
  • Collaboration Tools: Set up and optimize tools for team collaboration and information sharing.
  • Best Practices: Implement industry best practices for knowledge management.
Workflow Implementation
  • Workflow Design: Develop custom workflows that enhance productivity and efficiency.
  • System Integration: Seamlessly integrate with other tools and platforms you use.
  • Automation Setup: Automate repetitive tasks to save time and reduce errors.
Our Solution: Template Customization and Implementation
We work with any and every template, for individuals or groups of all sizes and types.
With our experience in seeing thousands of Notion templates, we have the expertise to help you get the most out of your purchase.

Common Pain Points

Feeling Overwhelmed
Adapting a generic template to your unique workflow can be daunting.
Not Getting Desired Results
Without customization, it might not deliver the value you expected.
Lacking Expertise
Customizing and implementing templates can be time-consuming and technically challenging.

Our Process

We have a streamlined, three-step process to ensure your Notion template is customized and implemented perfectly:
Project Fit Form
Fill out our project fit assessment form to help us understand your needs and budget.
Meeting and Custom Offer
We review your form and schedule a meeting to discuss your requirements in detail. Based on this meeting, we provide you with a custom offer.
Onboarding, Delivery, and Offboarding
Once you accept our offer, we begin the onboarding process, followed by the customization and implementation of your template. After delivery, we conduct an offboarding session to ensure you are fully equipped to use your customized Notion template.


General Questions

1. What are Notion templates?
Notion templates are pre-designed layouts and systems that you can use within Notion to organize and manage your tasks, projects, and data. They are customizable and can be tailored to fit your specific needs.
2. Why use Notion templates?
Notion templates save time by providing a ready-made structure for various use cases. They are flexible and can be easily changed or integrated with other systems to suit your workflow.

About Notion Plaza

3. What is Notion Plaza?
Notion Plaza is a third-party promotional company that acts as an affiliate marketplace for Notion templates. We showcase templates from various creators, directing you to external platforms like Gumroad for purchases.
4. How does Notion Plaza work?
Our site aggregates templates from multiple creators and allows you to create a single cart for checkout across different listings on Gumroad. We do not process sales or keep any customer information.

Services Offered

5. Do you offer strategic consulting?
Yes, we offer strategic consulting to help you determine the best way to customize and implement your Notion templates. However, please note that we do not provide free consulting or work. Our consulting services are part of our paid offerings.
6. What services do you provide?
We offer a range of services including:
  • Template Customization: Personalized layout design, feature integration, and enhanced usability.
  • Workflow Implementation: Custom workflow design, system integration, and automation setup.
  • Knowledge Management Strategy: Data organization, collaboration tools setup, and best practices implementation.

Process Overview

7. What is the process for working with Notion Plaza?
Our process is straightforward and consists of three main steps:
  1. Project Fit Form
      • Fill out our project fit assessment form to help us understand your needs and budget.
  1. Meeting and Custom Offer
      • We will review your form and schedule a meeting to discuss your requirements in detail. Based on this meeting, we will provide you with a custom offer.
  1. Onboarding, Delivery, and Offboarding
      • Once you accept our offer, we will begin the onboarding process, followed by the customization and implementation of your template. After delivery, we will conduct an offboarding session to ensure you are fully equipped to use your customized Notion template.

Specific Inquiries

8. Do you work with individuals, teams, and enterprises?
Yes, we work with clients of all sizes, including individuals, teams, and enterprises. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client.
9. What types of templates do you work with?
We work with any Notion template. Our extensive experience with thousands of templates allows us to provide high-quality customization and implementation services.
10. What should I do if I am unsure about my project needs?
If you are unsure about your project needs, our strategic consulting service can help you clarify your goals and determine the best course of action. Please contact us to schedule a consultation.

Thank you for choosing Notion Plaza for your Notion template customization and implementation needs. We look forward to helping you create the perfect setup! 🌟
Our Mission: To create and curate niche solutions for those who crave out-of-this-world success.

Notion Plaza: Templates that change your trajectory.

At notion Plaza, we’re on a mission to simplify productivity. With a myriad of templates, tools, and tutorials in our back pocket, we’re committed to offering products that make mastering Notion’s Platform easier - for everyone.
Yup, that simple.
No gimmicks. No games. All good vibes.
Our Vision: Taking the hassle out of hard work for thousands.
We envision a world where small steps yield magnificent results. Notion Plaza will be the go-to source for those who want to curate success on a daily basis.
An aggregator today and a vital asset tomorrow, we’re advancing notion products while you advance in your journey.