🤦‍♂️My Liabilities Tracker - Discover the True Pain of Lost Opportunities

$Financial Realization

#Impulse Buying

#Future Value

🤦‍♂️My Liabilities Tracker - Discover the True Pain of Lost Opportunities
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💸The Ultimate Tool for Financial Realization💸

Hey there, fellow impulse buyer! 😎 Do you ever wonder where all your money goes? Do you look at your garage or closet and see boxes of stuff you never use? This Notion tool is here to give you a harsh reality check.

🏠What's In Your Garage?🏠

Think about all those items you bought on a whim. That copper candle holder set for $65, or the DSLR camera for $1200 that you haven't used since 2002. Remember the $2450 treadmill that's just collecting dust? It's time to see what they could have been worth.

🎯Buy Now🎯

💰The Future Value of Your Liabilities💰

How much would that copper candle holder be worth today if you had invested the money instead? $269. The DSLR camera? A whopping $4,974 inflation-adjusted dollars. That dusty treadmill? An incredible $10,156.91.

🎯Buy Now🎯

🕰️A New Perspective on Time and Money🕰️

This tool could change the way you view your spending habits. Every dollar saved is a dollar earned. But a dollar invested for 30 years? That's $4.15. Imagine the possibilities!

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📝Use as a Wishlist📝

Want to see what your next impulse buy could be worth in 30 years? Just add it to the list and get a glimpse of the future. It's a great way to control your buying impulse and start investing in your future instead.

🎯Buy Now🎯

Download this template today and start your journey towards financial freedom! 💪

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Ian Dikhtiar

Written by

Ian Dikhtiar